Water Pollution: Type, Effects, And Solution
Water is one of the indispensable elements of nature. Can we imagine our life without it? The answer is negative. But we all are much aware of the harm water is suffering from environmental pollution caused by us. The whole aquatic biota suffers hugely because of water pollution.
What is water pollution?
Contamination of water leads to water pollution. Water pollution occurs when the natural balance of chemical, biological, and physical bodies like the lake, ocean, pond etc., alters. Humans are mainly responsible for dumping harmful chemicals and waste, which leads to water pollution.
Types of water pollution
There are many ways water gets polluted. Here are a few possible causes-
· Oil pollution-Oil doesn’t dissolve in water, so water pollution is the worst kind of pollutions. Oil pollution mainly happens when oil spills or leaks from tankers and ships.
· Waste- Water bodies hugely suffer because we humans dump waste without thinking about its long term effect. Plastics are the worst type of enemy for water.
· Wastewater- Waste from factories, household and other sources are discharged into lakes, ocean etc. causing water pollution.
· Acid rain- Acid rain is not a natural occurrence; humans are solely responsible for this phenomenon. Acid rain is caused by acidic particles in the air that is mixed with water vapour.
Effects of water pollution on aquatic life
· Water pollution destroys marine diversity.
· Exceedingly lowers the oxygen level in the water.
· It causes eutrophication which suffocates plants and animals, leading to the extinction of life in water.
· Hampers growth of aquatic biota.
· It has a neurotoxic effect on whales, turtles etc.
· Lack of potable water.
· It causes many types of water-based disease.
Measure against water pollution
· Reducing CO2 level
· Stop dumping wastewater, garbage, plastic etc., into the ocean, lakes.
· Reduce the usage of chemical pesticides.
There is no single way to stop water pollution. You can use pond safety net cover for pond water and protect it to an extent, but it is different for bigger water bodies. That’s why we need to create awareness about water pollution amongst us.