Easy and Effective Guide to Cleaning Non-Removable Cushion Covers
Cushion covers are mostly removable but some of them come with the non-removable feature. Try searching for different types of cushions in https://wowcushions.com.au/ this website.
Removable cushion covers are easier to clean and maintain but it is quite tough to get through the non-removable ones. Still, there are some special cleaning techniques to keep your non-removable cushion covers clean and newer.
Do the Vacuuming: Vacuuming is one of the easiest options to keep your cushion covers clean. If you can provide the vacuum cleaning at least twice a month or when required, your cushion will look cleaner than ever. To let go of the dirt, dust, mites, tiny little things etc. from the cushions, vacuuming is very effective.
Damp Vacuuming is Very Effective: Apart from the regular vacuuming, you can try damp vacuuming often. For this, try a little amount of detergent or soap soaked on a soft sponge and rub the cushion covers. Then do the vacuuming and find a fresh new look.
Steam Cleaning: If you don’t own a steam cleaner then look for the professionals who do this steam cleaning. Steam cleaning helps to heat the cushions and deodorize and sanitize them in a good way to make clean instantly.
Do the Spot-Cleaning: When any stain or dark spot is signified on the cushion covers, try to remove that instantly unless it spreads the other areas. Make a solution of detergent and water and gently dab the area. Remember not to rub the area because the stains will spread. Just blot it out and repeat using the solution unless the stain is removed.
Vinegar is Very Useful: You can use vinegar instead of detergent because vinegar is a great stain remover. Make the solution of water and vinegar proportionally and apply on the area the same as the detergent solution. Leave it for a while and then rinse the area with fresh water repeatedly. Let it dry or you can also use a blow dryer to dry that out.
Always remember when you are using any detergent or stain remover, you are reading the instructions well to provide the perfect amount while cleaning the cushions.
Cleaning the non-removable cushion covers also helps to clean the cushion inside especially when you are vacuuming it. So, there is no exception of vacuuming the cushions regularly.