4 Things to Consider When Placing Fingerposts on Roads

Srh Hrbn
2 min readFeb 13, 2021
Photo by Katie Moum on Unsplash

Fingerposts are the road signage that helps people identifies directions. It’s a traditional signpost people get while driving or passing by the road. Other than signals or direction discs, fingerposts are no less essential for road safety.

If you are assigned to place a fingerpost on roads, this article will help you know which things to consider.

Get the Permission: First, you have to have permission for setting a fingerpost on a particular road. Usually, the authority takes responsibility to form and develop a fingerpost, but if you think this specific site requires one, you can ask for higher-authority permission.

After getting the permission, it’s time to prepare for the next step.

Choose the Material Properly: Fingerposts are made with wood material the most because wood is durable and sustainable. Wood is a preferable material to make waymarkers, fingerposts, and other road signage. So, when you choose the wood, make sure it is manufactured from high-quality timber.

Know the Design: You will find many unique and trendy designs for the fingerpost. Make sure the design is suitable enough for building the roadside. Plus, if you want something traditional, consult a professional to get ideas.

Fingerpost designs are mostly done with many directions, which is why it’s named as finger-post. Therefore, make sure the design is chosen well to match the direction.

Know What to Include: You have to know which direction signs to include into the fingerpost. There can be signs, directions, distance, kilometers/miles, etc., that drivers need to follow.

It is always a great matter to follow road signs and signals to maintain safety. You should know how to make the fingerpost more convenient for drivers and passengers to read by. Plus, if there’s anything you need to add, you can plan for it.

Overall, consider maintaining the fingerpost from the moment you build it. If anything is broken or needs fixation, don’t delay out time but repay that immediately. Fingerposts are useful for road safety, even if you lose track.

